
Numeracy Test Solutions

On this page you will find solutions for the Numeracy test questions. We have tried our best to try to explain how the answer was calculated. Sometimes it is hard to explain these concepts via text and typing so if you are still confused or find any errors please contact us and we will try our best to assist you.

Please note: This page is still under construction and more questions and solutions will be added over time. 

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32 ÷ 10 = 3.2 crocodiles per day

Multiply how many crocodiles are captured per day by the number of days in 3 weeks

3 weeks = 3 x 7 = 21 days

3.2 x 21 = 67.2 crocodiles are captured in 3 weeks

You cannot capture 67.2 crocodiles so we round down to 67 crocodiles in total

If we cut our rectangular prism into two equal cubes the dimensions will be 2cm tall x 2cm wide x 2cm deep as the height and depth of the cube will still be the same as the rectangular prism. If unsure, draw the shapes to scale.

To calculate the volume of a cube it is simply height x width x depth

Therefore: 2 x 2 x 2 = 8cm3

A cubes volume is calculated as height x width x depth

You have two options here. The answer asks for cm3 so you can convert the 3m to cm before you calculate the volume of the water tank or you can convert afterwards. We think it is easier to convert first.

3m = 300cm so the volume of our cube is 300 x 300 x 300 = 27,000,000cm3

We need to first convert the fractions so they are over the same denominator (bottom number). To do this we find the lowest common multiple (number that both 3 and 4 go into) for the number four and three (our denominators). This is 12. So our fractions will be something over 12. If one third of the marble are green then we work out how many time 3 goes into 12 = 4. We then multiply the top number of the fraction (1) by 4 to give us a fraction of 4/12 for our green marbles. The same is then done for the red marbles. 1/4 = 3/12.

By adding these fractions together we get 7/12 marbles are red and green meaning that 5/12 are blue (12-7 = 5).

If there are 4 more blue marbles then green we need to look at the fractions to see how many marbles there are in total.

Blue =5/12 Green = 4/12 The difference between these two amount of marbles as a fraction is 1/12. Therefore we now know that 1/12 = 4 marbles. We now just need to multiply this to find the total number of marbles. 1/12 x 12 = 12/12 or 1 which is the total number of marbles. Therefore we just need to do 4 x 12 = 48 marbles

We need to work out how many tiles Bob will need to cover his entire space. To do this we need to work out the area of the bathroom.

3m x 4.2m = 12.6m2

Next we calculate the area of one tile

300mm x 300mm = 90,000mm2

We now need to work out how many tiles will fit into the bathroom area. To do this we need to convert these areas to the same units.

To convert mm2 to m2 we divide it by 1,000,000 so 90,000 ÷ 1,000,000 = 0.09m2

Now we just divide the area of the room by the area of one tile for the total number of tiles needed.

12.6 ÷ 0.09 = 140 tiles.

Our tiles come in a box of 5 so the total number of boxes needed is

140 ÷ 5 = 28 boxes

Each box costs $10 so the total cost is

28 x 10 = $280

To calculate her pay we need to know how many hours she worked during the week and the weekend.

Monday = 6 hours
Wednesday = 3 hours

Saturday = 3.5hours

So she is paid for 9 hours normally and 3.5 hours at time and a half.

18.65 X 9 + 18.65 x 1.5 x 3.5

= 167.85 + 97.91

= $265.76

V = 4/3 x pi x 33

We know that a circle is 360 degrees. If Ed turns clockwise 120 degrees then anti clockwise 210 he has turned the equivalent of 210 -120 = 90 degrees anticlockwise
If he is facing west and turns 90 degrees anticlockwise he will now be facing south.

The area of a triangle is area = ½ Base x height
5 x 12 x 9 = 54cm2

The easiest way to calculate this is to take Allen’s throw and multiply it by 112% as 100% would be the same as his throw but Josh threw it 12% further. We cannot put this in a calculator so we convert it to a decimal. 112% converted to a decimal = 1.12 as 1 is equal to a whole or 100%.
Therefore, 21.2 x 1.12 = 23.744 or approximately 23.5m looking at our options.

We want to work out how many cars there are in one minute then multiply that by 60 minutes to get an hours worth.
49 ÷7minutes = 7 cars per minute
7 x 60 = 420 cars

This is a ratio question. So we start by minusing the donations she has already received from the total
300 -55 = $245 to reach her goal.
We then need to work out how much she will earn each hour by converting her Dad’s contributions to an hourly rate
$1 per minute = $60 per hour
So with her Mums contribution also she will earn $80 per hour.
$245 ÷ 80 = 3.0625 hours or 3 hours with 5 minutes lefts over. We know that her Dad is paying at $1 per minute so the last $5 will be made in those left over 5 minutes.
Therefore it will take Tina 3 hours and 5 minutes to raise the $300.
The question does ask for the answer in minutes = 185

33 x 5 = $1.65
22 x 10 = $2.20
15 x 50 = $7.50
Total = $11.35

We need to use the least amount of coins possible so I would start with the biggest coins (value wise) and work backwards.
E.g. How many $2 coins can I use in $3.20 = 1
I now have $1.20 left.
How many $1 coins can I use = 1
I now have 20 cents lefts which can be one 20 cent coin. This means the least amount of coins used is 3 coins a $2, a $1 and a $0.20 piece.

Gradient = Height ÷ Length
25 = 1 ÷ Length
When we rearrange the equation for length it looks like this
Length = 1 ÷ 0.25
Length = 4m

Gradient = Height ÷ Length
25 = 1 ÷ Length
When we rearrange the equation for length it looks like this
Length = 1 ÷ 0.25
Length = 4m

Option 1
Work out how many miles in 1km and multiply it by 88
10 ÷ 16 = 0.625 kms per mile
625 x 88 = 55miles

Option 2 work out the ratio difference between 16kms and 88 kms and multiply 10 miles by the same ratio.

88 ÷ 16 = 5.5

10 x 5.5 = 55 miles

A quadrilateral’s angles always equal 360 degrees.

In an Isosceles triangle the bottom two angles are always equal and the top angle is different. We also know that a triangle’s angles add up to 180 degrees.

So 180 – 30 degrees (Angle x) = 150 degrees is the total sum of the remaining two angles

150 ÷ 2 = 75 degrees each as they are equal

A triangles angles add up to 180 so

180 – 47 – 75 = 58 degrees

See table below with place value labels















The scale is 1:900. This means that for every cm on the screen Harriet has actually walked 900m in real life.
She measures her walk as 3.5cm so we need to multiply this by 900.
3.5 x 900 = 3150m or 3.15km

Harry’s mountain is 2456m we multiply this by 4.5 to get a rough estimate.
2456 x 4.5 = 11052m we then need to find the closest answer to this as it was approximately 4.5 times the size of Harry’s mountain.

This question involves conversions. We will convert all of the following into kg.
1230kg = 1230 kg
2 tonnes = 1200 kg
12030g = 12.03 kg
1203kg = 1203 kg
1230kg is the largest answer

We will convert all the answers into metres
246m = 246m
2406km = 240.6m
264cm = 2.64m
2604mm = 2.604m
246m is the largest amount


To calculate a percentage we need to know how many dolls there are and how many toys there are altogether.
3 dolls and (3 + 4 +6 + 2= 15 toys in total)
15 ÷ 3 = 5 This tells us that one fifth of the toys are dolls.
One fifth as a percentage = 20% or 100 ÷ 5 = 20

  1. 50 ÷ 3 = 16 remainder 2
    50 – 16 = 34
    We then need to find the closest answer to 34 as this is just approximate

Joe wants 50% of his cows to be white and 50% brown. He just needs the same amount of both cows for this to occur so Joe will need 4 more brown cows.

10/30 = 1/3 of karens marbles are green. Because she only has red and green marbles her red marbles must then = 2/3

You need to work through each step:
21 ÷ 3 = 7
7 x 4 = 28
28 – 6 = 22

4 x 4 = 16
16 ÷ 2 = 8
8 + 3 = 11

6 x 6 = 36
36 ÷ 2 = 18
18 + 3 = 21

Look through each answer first and see if they are right or wrong.
Wednesday – 5 students
Thursday – 10 students
so twice as many brought lunch on Thursday as on Wednesday

We need to calculate 20% of 15 students.
20% can be converted to a fraction as 1/5
To find 1/5 of 15 students
15/5 = 3 so we try to find a day with approximately 3 students which is Monday

If the oval is 23.25m wide to convert it to cm we multiply this by 100 as there are 100cm in every 1 metre.
25 x 100 = 2325cm

150g x 2.5 can be hard to do without a calculator so we can split it up.
15 x 2 = 30 therefore 150 x 2 = 300
15 x 0.5 = 15 ÷ 2 = 7.5 therefore 150 x 0.5 = 75
300 +75 = 375g

If 1cm = 3km
5 x 3 = 15km

20% = 1/5 as a fraction
25 ÷ 5 = 5 students absent
25 – 5 = 20 students present

Flipping a coin should result in 50% heads and 50% tails as the most likely outcome. If he flips his coin 113 times he should get one more head then tails or one more tails then head as it is an odd number.
113 ÷ 2 = 56.5
Therefore the answer is the closest to this number e.g. 55 tails

703, 671 – 403, 429 = 300, 242

10 – 4 = 6 plants left
6/10 = 60%

8 ÷ 4 = 2 slices per quarter.
8 – 2 = 6 slices left


-3, -1, 1, 3, 7

-9, -7 , -2, 0, 3, 5

We are looking for a quarter of the circle. Fish take up approximately a quarter of the pie graph

40% would be a bit less then half of the pie graph. In this case we are looking at Sam as the offender.

Perimeter is equal to all the sides lengths added together. On a rectangle is will have two sides the same width and two sides the same length.
86 – 26 – 26 = 34 for the last two sides
34 ÷ 2 = 17cm per side

Perimeter is equal to all the sides lengths added together. On a rectangle is will have two sides the same width and two sides the same length.
44 – 10 – 10 = 24
24 ÷ 2 = 12 cm long

A square has equal sides. We know that to calculate the area of something we need to multiply its width and length. The area is 81 square metres. We need to take the square root of 81 to find the length of the sides. I.e. what number multiplied by itself will result in 81.
9 x 9 = 81
If each side of the block is 9m the total perimeter is
9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 36m
36m x $12.50 per metre = $450

Our Numeracy Practice quizzes 2.0 are launching soon. The price goes up at the end of the month!